from E. E. Schmidt
Creative team:Director: Stoyan Radev
Translation: Snezhina Rusinova Zdravkova
Scenography: Nikola Toromanov
Costumes: Elis Veli
Composer: Viktor Stoyanov
Photographer - poster: Pavel Chervenkov
Photographers - performance: Stefan N. Shterev, Viktoria Sirakova
Translation: Snezhina Rusinova Zdravkova
Iriney Konstantinov, Lilia Maraviglia, Petya Silyanova, Eleonora Ivanova, Simona Halacheva, Joanna-Isabella Varbanova, Stefan Kondrov
Duration: 90 min
Premiere: 17th of January 2019
How eternal promises can be made in a transitional world - exclaims the philosopher Diderot, who is the main character in Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt's play. If we continue in this spirit, we can ask ourselves what it is worth doing, given that everything is so perishable. For centuries, man has been trying to find a stable, unalterable foundation upon which to build his life, a permanent center in whose orbit to establish his meaning. However, this effort often turns into mere fanaticism and nothing more. But is salvation a salvation? And if not, what else is left? Indulge in grief and sadness? No.
We can be paradoxically courageous and embrace the wrongful fate, not condemn change, irony successes, not suppress failure, and believe in the truth of laughter and kisses. The show I had the pleasure of directing encourages us in this direction.
We can be paradoxically courageous and embrace the wrongful fate, not condemn change, irony successes, not suppress failure, and believe in the truth of laughter and kisses. The show I had the pleasure of directing encourages us in this direction.
Stoyan Radev - director
*The play has english subtitles.
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Address theater:
23A Yanko Sakazov bul, Sofia
Ticket office:
+3592/944 24 85
Work time:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 20:15
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 20:15