from Woody Allen & Neil Simon
Creative team:Director: Nikolaj Polyakov
Artist: Yuliana Vojkova Najman
Translation of ''Old Saybrook'': Matej Todorov
Translation of ''The last passionate lover'': Milena Sotirova
Nikolay Dimitrov, Lora Mutisheva, Plamen Manasiev, Vladimir Mateev, Joanna-Isabella Varbanova, Nikolai Antonov, Mila Bancheva, Julian Rachkov, Milena Zhivkova, Lilia Maraviglia, Simona Halacheva
Duration: 150 min
Premiere: 26th of February 2015
Two plays by the world's most successful playwrights today - Woody Allen and Neil Simon are on the stage of Sofia Theatre. Two comedies inspired by the eternal questions about love and marriage. Funny, insightful plays about how couples fall into a crisis, where do we run away from our own complexes, is it possible to love only one partner…
"Old Sabrook" by Woody Allen and "The Last Passionate Lover" by Neil Simon entertain us with the bizzare experiences of eccentric lovers, in comic and absurd situations.
The wonderful actors Nikolay Dimitrov, Lora Mutisheva, Plamen Manasiev, Vladimir Mateev, Simona Halacheva, Nikolay Antonov, Julian Rachkov, Milena Zhivkova, Daria Simeonova, Lilia Maraviglia, Mila Bancheva give them stage life. The director is Nikolay Polyakov, the set designer is Yuliana Vojkova Najman.
The voice of the actor Yitzhak Finzi is heard in the production.
*The play has english subtitles.
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Address theater:
23A Yanko Sakazov bul, Sofia
Ticket office:
+3592/944 24 85
Work time:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 20:15
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 20:15