from Dario Fo
Creative team:Director: Tedi Moskov
Composer: Antoni Donchev
Set and costumes: Svila Velichkova
Photographers: Stefan N. Shterev, Viktoria Sirakova
Mila Bancheva, Mikhail Milchev, Nevena Kaludova, Neda Spasova, Nikolay Varbanov, Plamen Manasiev, Sava Piperov, Yulian Malinov, Julian Rachkov
Duration: 100 min
Premiere: 15th of July 2020
DIDN'T YOU HAVE THE WISH at least once in your life not to pay? Well, today you don't need to pay for anything. You can get whatever you want from the store. Such a rumor spreads around the neighborhood and many people rush to the supermarket. But… What would you choose if you have only a one-time opportunity to take it without paying, and would it be available? If not, what would you replace it with? “Philosophical” question about the meaning of possession… This is my biggest mistake as a director - I imagine that I do something out of nothing. But this is not the case here, the performance is quite fun and does not include heavy metaphors. Will the "buyers" pay for what they took, you will see in one of my funniest performances, performed superbly by some of the funniest artists I've worked with. And what will the police do? Will the policemen arrest the robbers, or will they support them? Come and see!
Teddy Moskov – director
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Address theater:
23A Yanko Sakazov bul, Sofia
Ticket office:
+3592/944 24 85
Work time:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 20:15
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 20:15