from Clèment Michel
Creative team:Director: Kalin Angelov
Scenography: Nikola Nalbantov
Musical formation: Georgi Georgiev Antika
Translation: Natasha Kolevska
Photographer: Ivan Donchev
Poster: Radoslava Boor
Julian Rachkov, Yulian Malinov, Vladimir Mateev, Joanna-Isabella Varbanova, Lora Mutisheva, Nikolay Dimitrov, Simona Halacheva, Eleonora Ivanova
Duration: 80 min
Premiere: 30th of September 2020
„The Box“ is a modern eccentric comedy in which the breathless rhythm of situations creates a chain of hasty and ridiculous actions, complicated relationships and the inability of the characters to cope with the resulting problems.
The show is a kind of mix of feelings and action. The form is built entirely on a musical principle, structured according to the logic of jazz improvisations.
The attractive, spontaneous spectacle is a mirror of the hectic everyday life that surrounds us. Out of breath, we ask ourselves, „Do we really have to be able to handle everything at any cost?“
The show is a kind of mix of feelings and action. The form is built entirely on a musical principle, structured according to the logic of jazz improvisations.
The attractive, spontaneous spectacle is a mirror of the hectic everyday life that surrounds us. Out of breath, we ask ourselves, „Do we really have to be able to handle everything at any cost?“
Kalin Angelov - director
*The play has english subtitles.
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Address theater:
23A Yanko Sakazov bul, Sofia
Ticket office:
+3592/944 24 85
Work time:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 20:15
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 20:15